Bondage story - The Phantom of the Roxy - 16

Free bondage photo blog 30 December 2019

When she felt the orgasm begin, she knew it was going to be intense, but there was no way she could have been prepared for the reeling, mind-ripping climax that took her then. Never in her young life had she experienced anything like it! Screaming like a banshee, she crashed the gates of ecstasy and spiraled away into bright oblivion.

When she came to once more, she found herself sprawled on the dusty mattress. The Whisperer loomed over her, doing something with her foot, and when she sat up she found that she was dressed again, and he was tying her shoelaces for her. She was still woozy and more than a little disoriented, but before she could pull herself together her mysterious ravisher pulled her to her feet.

Grasping her chin in one powerful hand, he tilted her face up and locked eyes with her. “You are mine now, Jessica,” he whispered. “I am releasing you now, for the time being. You may go back to your play, but from now on I will take you whenever I please, use you as I will. Remember that!”

With that, he wrapped his arm around her back and hustled her through the door into the small, dark room. He stopped her when they stood in front of the far wall. She could see the bare studs and rough cross-pieces of it, but when she looked closer she discovered there was a strange, heavy-beamed wooden door before her with three metal bolts on springs. As she watched, barely comprehending, the Whisperer pulled a handle above her head, and the bolts opened, the door swinging open, revealing only darkness beyond.

“Remember!” hissed the Whisperer, then he pushed her through the door.

Jessica stumbled, but managed to get her feet under her without falling. She heard the door close behind her, and when she looked back, there was nothing but darkness. It was dark all around her, so dark she couldn’t even discern the wall the door was set in. Ahead she could see a little light falling on a large, gnarled prop tree, and beyond that, the lit edge of a curtain. She headed that way, and emerged, blinking, onto the theater’s lit stage.

The cast was running lines from scene seven, and when she stumbled into sight, Sarah, David and Tina looked up and smiled sympathetically. Tina waved, and Sarah said, “Feeling better, Honey?”

Jessica felt like she had just spent ten years on another planet, and when she returned no one had noticed she was gone! The scene felt so surreal she thought she might be dreaming.

“What…?” she said uncertainly as she moved toward her friends.

“I said, are you feeling better?” said Sarah, scooting over to make room for her in the circle. “Ira said you weren’t feeling well.”

“He did?” said Jessica, still confused.

“You do look pretty rough, Jessie,” Sarah said in a concerned tone. “You sure you don’t want to lie down or something?”

“It was the lox,” said Tina with certainty. “They smelled okay, but I thought they looked a little funny! That’s the last time we eat lunch at Schwartz’s!”

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