Consequences of bad behavior
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There are two types of consequences to ill-advised behavior. One naturally occurs and the other is a logical consequence imposed by others. The second type is the focus of this page.
1) Natural Consequences:
Natural consequences are a negative result of short-sightedness or lack of attention. In natural consequences no one else is involved; your actions cause a consequence. It is a violation of common sense rules of life. An example is, not getting fuel for an automobile results in running out of gas. It is a natural price you have to pay for certain behavior. Some natural consequences take an indefinite period of time to have an effect. Natural consequences can be a learning experience for individuals. Natural consequences do not involve another person; the consequence is a direct result of behavior. It is often referred to as "the school of hard knocks".
Natural consequences can be a very useful tool in training a slave to accept responsibility for her actions and correct faulty behavior. In other words "let nature take its course." Showing a slave that some "bad things or bad luck" that happen to them are a direct result of certain behaviors they have chosen is a powerful tool.
A Master that is aware of the concept of natural consequences can use it as a training aid. If used properly it not only improves obedience but also can help improve the self-image, thoughts and behavior of a slave.
Emotional responses are not natural consequences to an action. Different people react differently to identical events.
2) Logical Consequences:
Logical consequences are a negative result of failing to understand or ignoring rules, laws, protocols and social restrictions.
Logical consequences are applied by others to the offender (Master to slave). The influence of the Master’s opinion and authority contributes to the power of the rules over the slave. The slave may not like the consequences, but she accepts them because they apply to her as a slave and are intended for the betterment of her.
Logical consequences are not natural reactions that happen due to a behavior, therefore they are usually more complex and require a context in which they are applied.
Vanilla world application of Logical Consequence:
In the vanilla application of logical consequences three things are considered important to making it successful in correcting behavior; 1) friendly attitude, 2) choice and 3) action/not words.
The concept states that a friendly attitude should be maintained while discussing alternatives and choices of alternative behaviors and their should not be a preoccupation with winning or losing. There should be an avoidance of power struggles. The person being punished should perceive that they have a certain degree of influence and choice to allay defensiveness and resistance.
Once a choice of action has been chosen; action, not words are important and help insure fewer misunderstanding and a greater acceptance of the punishment.
Slave training application of Logical Consequence: (vanilla rules must be modified for slave training)
The desired goals for applying logical consequences in slave training is normally different than how it is applied in the vanilla world. In slave training the objective is to mold the slave’s behavior around the rules and protocols established by her Master and establish or reinforce the dominance of her Master. The slave’s submission to the will of her Master is an important aspect to be considered. Therefore, the concepts of attitude, choice and action must be modified to align with training a slave.
In slave training, I think the following better describes the application of attitude, choice and action:

Attitude - The Master should not apply consequences out of anger. The consequences should be well thought out and appropriate to "fit the crime." The purpose is to modify the slave’s behavior so that it pleases her Master.
Choices are another aspect of logical consequences. In slave training the consequences should be designed to show the slave that their is a price to pay for disobeying her Master. She has no choice but to follow her Master's rules and protocol. She has no choice as well in determining the logical consequence that follows her failure to obey. She is subject to what her Master determines is a logical consequence to her actions. By choosing slavery she has given that freedom of choice to her Master. The choice of a consequence to be taken can be discussed between Master and slave, but the slave must realize that the choice of the consequence belongs to her Master. Her only choice is obedience.
Another important aspect is that action, instead of words, helps ensure success and fewer mistakes in the future. A logical consequence is usually more than just words; it involves a corrective and/or punitive action. The action should point out the bad behavior and the correct expected behavior should be made clear to the slave.
Comparison of consequences to punishments: (societies view and the BDSM view of punishment)
Below in the first two columns the standard vanilla world distinction between consequences and punishment is illustrated. Punishment is viewed as a bad word in current society; therefore society expresses a definition of it in a negative light.
I think the third column better defines how punishment can be used as a consequence of bad behavior in slave training.
* denotes societies view –
** denotes BDSM view
Consequences* | Punishment* | Punishment as a consequence in slave training** |
Expresses reality of social order (rules, laws and such) | Expresses power of authority | Expresses reality of the social order and authority of her Master |
Logically relates to
behavior (directly related to disobeying established rules or laws) |
Involves moral judgment | Logically relates to behavior as it relates to her relationship with her Master. |
Concerned with present | Concerned with past | Concerns past or present bad behavior |
No anger | Often anger is present | Punishment should be administered after anger has subsided in a calm manner. The purpose of punishment is not revenge; it is intended to correct current bad behavior. |
No submission necessary (a choice of act is determined) | submission usually necessary | Submission always necessary and choice belongs to her Master |
Deliberate | Often impulsive | Usually deliberate but can be impulsive; the impulsive punishment should be expected for that particular violation. |
Person feels important | Person feels belittled | Slave feels owned, the property of her Master and subject to his will. In that context, she feels important to the relationship. |
Choice only given once | Often involves nagging | Master makes choice and may include detailed discussion of bad behavior before punishment. Punishment is also a means of establishing an ending point to the Master’s displeasure with bad behavior. |
Uses action | Uses talking and coercion | Uses action and talk. Usually the reason for the action is conveyed to the slave before it's application. |
Consequences are accepted | Is at best tolerated | Punishment is accepted by the slave and she believes it is being administered in her best interest. The objective is to train her to serve, obey and please her Master. A slave is fully aware that a consequence will follow her displeasing her Master. |
Freedom of choice | No choice | Punishment is for failure to obey the rules of the Master and he determines the logical consequence of that behavior. |
One important consideration is that logical consequences should be uniform for all slaves owned by the Master. That does not mean that the punishment will be the same for each case. For example, if one slave has violated a rule before and the other has not, a logical conclusion may result in different punishments for each slave.