Janes Dangle | high heels dangling story

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The dinner table can be a super place of shoe dangling entertainment. I first found this when taking a girl friend out to dinner. It was a good meal and we had really enjoyed it. We got to the stage of coffee and brandy and were both very relaxed. I was sitting with my legs crossed and suddenly felt something brush my ankle. I thought we were in for a bit of footsie under the table. Carefully looking under the table I saw that what had happened was that Jane was sitting with her legs crossed and she was dangling her shoe. What had brushed my ankle was the tip of her heel. Very carefully I moved my leg so that the heel of her shoe was just a teeny bit above my foot. As I had hoped, she moved her leg causing her heel to knock against my foot which in turn caused her shoe to fall off. I pretended that nothing had happened, after all, her heel had only just bru shed my foot, but I could see Jane looking slightly embarrassed. She uncrossed her legs and quickly I did the same. As I moved my legs, I knocked the shoe closer to me under the table. I could see Jane shifting about in her seat and guessed that she was frantically feeling around for the shoe. I still acted innocent. Finally, having paid the bill, I suggested that we move on somewhere. At this, she looked really embarrassed and said that she couldn't go anywhere just yet. I asked her why and she said that she had lost her shoe under the table. I bent down and found the shoe where I had knocked it, out of her reach. I asked her to give me her foot and slipped the shoe back on it. I found this technique very successful and used it with a number of girls. Then I thought of a variation. If the girl crossed her legs, I would cross mine at the ankle and position them below her shoe. I would then carefully move my legs until they were either side of the heel cup of her shoe and very gently squeeze them together. Most girls assume that you are just playing fo otsie and most actually enjoy it. The trick is to keep a tight enough grip on her heel that she cannot move her foot without leaving her shoe behind, trapped between your calves. Some girls really do not like this and with them it is best not to continue, many other though think it great fun. You can then move the shoe into your lap and have a great time with it while continuing an innocent conversation. .


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