Flower Knot - bondage tips

articles and tutorials Bondage tutorials for beginners Rope bondage knots tutorial

The name of this knot reflects its simplistic beauty and floral appearance. A sequential variation from a number of different knot families, it is referred to as “Hana Musubi” (or Flower Knot) in Japan. Useful when seeking to create a harness that sprouts off of a knot maintaining two or more available loops, it makes an elegant centerpiece.

How to tie a Cross Knot

Rope length: Any length

Rope diameter: Any diameter

Flower Knot

Flower Knot

Start by making a bight, or a single loop, pointing toward the right.

Flower Knot

Below this bight, make a second bight and insert it up through the first bight you created.

Flower Knot

Create a third bight and tuck it up through the second bight you created.

Flower Knot

Now take the working end of the third bight and weave it down through the bight it created...

Flower Knot

then over both lines of the first bight...

Flower Knot

then up and under the first bight.

Flower Knot

Finally, tuck the working end of rope up underneath and through the third bight.

Flower Knot

Adjust the piece by pulling on the “petals” of the knot while taking up any slack within the knot.


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