Prosperity Knot - bondage tips

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This knot is based on the Double Coin Knot. More specifically, it is an extension of a Double Coin Knot, creating the appearance of multiple “coins” stacked upon each other. Such is the reason why the knot was given the connotation of prosperity or wealth in China. For our purposes in this book, the Prosperity Knot is the centerpiece of the Prosperity Glove, Belt Buckle and the Chest Plate Harness.

How to tie a Prosperity Knot

Rope length: Any length

Rope diameter: Any diameter

Prosperity Knot

Prosperity Knot

Start by tying a Double Coin Knot.

Prosperity Knot

Stretch the left and right loops of the Double Coin Knot out 4 inches (10cm) to create the appearance of “wings.”

Prosperity Knot

Move the left and right working ends of the rope upward above the loops.

Prosperity Knot

Twist both loops clockwise (left over right).

Prosperity Knot

Cross the right-hand loop over the left-hand loop.

Prosperity Knot

Then, bring the right-hand rope down from above and weave it first over the right-hand loop and then underneath the left-hand loop.

Prosperity Knot

Now make a bight in the left-hand rope and weave it underneath the outside left bulge of the left-hand loop...

Prosperity Knot

and over the left side of the right-hand loop, then under the right-hand rope...

Prosperity Knot

over the right side of the right-hand loop, and finally, under the outside right bulge of the left--hand loop.

Prosperity Knot

Take a breath, adjust your knot, and congratulate yourself. You just finished the second most difficult knot in the book!


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