Sliding Sheet Bend - bondage tips

articles and tutorials Bondage tutorials for beginners Rope bondage knots tutorial

Also called the Mooring Hitch, the Sliding Sheet Bend is a quick and easy way to secure a partner’s wrists or ankles to a fixture or an eyebolt. Strong and dependable, the knot can slide (hence the name) allowing you to increase or decreases the distance between a tie point and the limb of your partner. When the fun is done, all you have to do to undo the knot is pull a “ripcord,” exploding the hitch instantly!

How to tie a Sliding Sheet Bend

Rope length: Any length

Rope diameter: Any diameter

Sliding Sheet Bend

Sliding Sheet Bend

Start by drawing the short end of the rope (sliding it from right to left) around a fixture or through an eyebolt.

Sliding Sheet Bend

When the short end of the rope is two feet (60cm) down from the fixture, make a P-shaped loop in the short rope, turning it counterclockwise and under itself.

Sliding Sheet Bend

While holding the P in place between your thumb and forefinger, lay the loop over the long rope. Then reach through and pull a short bight through the loop.

Sliding Sheet Bend

With your left hand, make a bight in the short rope under the P. Insert this bight through the bight in the long rope you previously pulled though the loop.

Sliding Sheet Bend

Pull the left bight one or two inches (3 - 5cm) through the right bight.

Sliding Sheet Bend

Flatten the knot and cinch it tighter by pulling down on the long end of the rope, so the bight in the middle “chokes” the bight that goes through it.

Sliding Sheet Bend

To increase the slack or length of the standing end (in this case, the long part of the rope), pull down on the standing end with one hand, while you slide the knot up.

Sliding Sheet Bend

Holding on to the knot overcomes the friction that prevents the knot from sliding when the standing end is pulled.

Sliding Sheet Bend

To add tension or shorten the standing end of the rope, hold on to the standing end (above the knot) and pull it up while you slide the knot down.


When you let go of the knot, the hitch remains secure even when the standing end is under tension.

Sliding Sheet Bend

When you’re ready to undo the tie, simply pull on the short rope (or “ripcord”) dangling from the knot.

Sliding Sheet Bend

Watch as the knot disappears instantly, like magic...kinky, kinky magic.

Sliding Sheet Bend

Seen here in its natural environment, the Sliding Sheet Bend, in conjunction with the Basic Wrap, provides a nifty way to tie someone to a Saint Andrew’s cross.

Sliding Sheet Bend

When your partner has done enough time on the cross...

Sliding Sheet Bend

simply pull on the “ripcord” and the knot comes undone.

Sliding Sheet Bend

Your partner comes down with both wrists still bound for more fun to come!


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