Russian punishment spanking pictures
Pictures and Galleries Spanking stories Spanking instruction, instruments and devices spanking pictures

There is no reason at all why a teenager should not be spanked if a spanking is what she deserves. Age is not the important factor -behaviour is. You wouldn't ever spank a perfectly well behaved eight year old, but at the same time you definitely should spank a perfectly ill behaved eighteen year old.
Forget all this PC nonsense - the irresponsible parent is not the one who spanks a teen, it's the one who allows teenage misbehaviour to go unpunished.

If I was to be spanked, I'd have to go upstairs and wait in my room. What I hated was the psychological torture caused by the anticipation and humiliation. If I'd gotten into trouble at school, I'd spend the rest of the day thinking about little other than what my punishment might be, and whether or not I'd avoid a spanking. The whole ordeal would give me stomach issues and I still don't like talking about it to this day. I've never told this to anyone in person. In fact if the topic comes up, I usually say I was never spanked.

The reality of a spanking in russian family has always meant the baring of the child's bottom--and in the simplest and most efficient manner. Children outgrow the habit of being tucked into bed at night. When they go to the barber shop, eventually they're big enough so that they can sit in the chair without needing the board to elevate them. Getting spanked is also something that most children outgrow, by virtue of their emotional and behavioural development. It's no longer necessary that they be punished by having their bottoms bared and soundly smacked. But THEY outgrow the punishment; the PUNISHMENT doesn't outgrow them.

Spanking in the russian mountains
Nestled high in the mountains, the secluded monastery served as a place of discipline and reform for girls from the villages.
Che holy sisters knew the time it took to properly chasten a girl. Chey may descend with their charge on the same day, or after several weeks.
Che young lady is returned to her parents, humbled and nude, to symbolize her rebirth.
Presented with such punishment and visible shame, the threat of being sent up the mountain created communities of demure, respectful young women.

Russian prison spanking
You know I could lose my job over this... Why on earth do you want to experience a prison spanking?? Have you any idea how much it hurts??
Of course not, have you? Otherwise you wouldn't have asked me to smuggle you in like this.
Well off the record, I'm going to enjoy hearing you scream... and watch that plump arse of yours get turned into red bleeding meat.
Oh Sis... why?

I have had these fantasies for so many years... and last week-end I actually tried it for real.. That's chains, gagged.. naked... whipped.. I have never had so many orgasms in my life! Nowl know that I can make fantasy into reality, I am looking for someone to give me a judicial spanking... in front of a room full of strangers. Can you help?

It was Cindy's first spanking... repeatedly talking in Miss Olga's music class... sent to the headmistress.... she was wishing she had put on a different pair of panties.... but as you know six of the cane would hurt no matter what she was wearing... a total virgin to the pain of the cane, it would be something she would never forget...

I have this thing about my russian teacher... she's GORGEOUS!! but I keep thinking about how it would be to be spanked by her.... not just a few whacks but tied down, and thrashed on my bare bottom... she would make me count each stroke in french.... and as I'm useless at russian, we ‘d have to start over and over again...