Teen caning and spanking pictures
Pictures and Galleries Spanking stories Spanking instruction, instruments and devices spanking pictures

The spanking' s effectiveness hinges on more than just the sting imparted to the upturned buttocks. Embarrassment and humiliation must be integral components of any spanking given to a teenager.
The teen who truly believed that he or she was too old to be spanked—and who took reckless advantage of that presumption-will find out differently as underpants are taken down and the parental lap is subsequently occupied in face-down fashion.
A certain youngsters bare bottom is now the exclusive focus of attention. A humbling reality?
I rather think so.

By virtue of your teenager having misbehaved in serious fashion, her entitlement to any toning down or softening of a traditional spanking's "rough edges" has been summarily forfeited. That steadfastly maintained image of a teen completely incharge of her own affairs, thank-you very much, is effectively dismantled by the baring of her bottom.

A teenage girl has no right whatsoever to start laying down the law as to whether she should or should not have her panties taken down for her spankings.
If she has been foolish enough to earn herself a spanking in the first place, then she has to take whatever it is that she has coming her way.

Although the school did not engage in corporal punishment on their own. a phone call to a concerned parent usually gave the same result. Living nearby, Mrs. Linder quickly arrived at the school following a call from her daughter's history teacher. Amy soon found herself in her mother's grip, kicking and crying as Mrs. Linder roasted the teen's bare bottom for the entirety of the lunch break.

Kneeling on the floor, Rob was getting a good view of his cousin.. Aunty Vi was very strict, and she was always spanking her teen daughter... and always when Rob was visiting.... Maybe at sixteen she was too old to be spanked ?

Now that Tessa was of spankable age. she was no longer being treated like a little princess. No more arguments. No more grounding. No more threats. Any dispute with Father was now solved across his lap, with the paddle, until teen agreed to amend her behavior.

.. I have to admit that at the age of sixteen I seem to enjoy having my teen bare bottom paddled., really HARD!! I don't know what happens to me.... the pain just goes and I get all hot and wet you know where.... What will my life be like... Spanking, Sex, and more Spanking... sigh!!

Something made this teen girl turn and stare at you..... As her young nephew, you thrill at watching Uncle Jim give her a good spanking but today you overstepped the mark... what did you say?
a) Can I join in and use the wooden paddle....
b) What an arse !! I think you need to give it 100 strokes of the cane...
c) Can I have a good wank while I watch ?
d) that fanny needs a few whacks as well uncle Jim
e) something else