New caning girls pictures
Pictures and Galleries Spanking stories Spanking instruction, instruments and devices spanking pictures

"Stop feeling sorry for yourself and head down to the nurse's office, young lady. Ask for a punishment diaper, and have Nurse Eve throw that slutty little thong in the incinerator. And if I ever catch you wearing underwear like that again, you will receive twice as many cane strokes as you did today. Is that clear?"

You see Rob, every naughty secretary has to be caned and caned HARD! And you only know it's working when they beg you to stop! Rob was shocked at how the headmaster was caning the young woman., what should he say?
a) I think she needs another dozen headmaster
b) perhaps a few low down on those plump thighs woudl be fun!
c) Could I have a go please?
d) You sadist I Let her go!

To have ger as ons trainer in gym and if on fail to go down in wait ons bottom will pay for it in her offies at the gym and happy that the room is sound proff so no on can hear the spanking and crying

Megan arched her bottom upwards, careful not to unbalance the first instrument of her spanking. She was a good wife, but she knew she wasn’t perfect.
The first time she forgot to do the laundry, he had scolded her. The second time, he had used his palm. This was the third time.
Megan wiped away tears, dreading her husband’s return.
The bathbrush made her cry, but the leather belt will make her scream.

My name is Amelia, and I have such a strong desire to be caned... just like the picture opposite...
To be tied down, straddling the horse, and my large fat bottom rigorously caned.... I get so excited just thinking about it.... how can I ever make it happen??

I found a cane carpet beater in the attic... and can't stop thinking about how it would feel to have my bare bottom whacked with it... Even more exciting is if I were hung up like a carpet and have my bare bottom beaten red raw....

At the infamous Gainsville college, canings were liberally dispensed. For Vanessa, it was forgetting to shut off her cell phone dining class. For Misha, it was for an unexpected drop in her grades. And for Heidi, it was for teasing another girl in the locker rooms. Although observers have called the regular canings “degrading” and “medieval”, disciplined girls rarely committed the same offense twice.

Carolyn was crying, and she hadn’t even received her first stroke. She should not have said those things during dinner, but it was too late. The family patriarch had already decided her fate, a cruel and old-fashioned punishment, these days meant solely for convicted criminals.
And the task had fallen to Carolyn’s young niece.
Once a sweet little girl, Amelia was now a certified officer of judicial discipline. The family gathered around to witness Carolyn’s humiliation as her dress was lifted past her waist. The cane swooshed through the air. Amelia had promised for her aunt’s backside, and she had more than enough experience to deliver her word.