Hard spanking drawings
Pictures and Galleries Spanking stories Spanking instruction, instruments and devices spanking pictures

It certainly looked an interesting piece of furniture... and her curiosity had got the better of her... Her first working week at the reformatory, and her boss had been keen to show her EXACTLY how the spanking bench worked!

They all said how barbaric and degrading it was but the real truth was that EVERY one loved to watch a public spanking... some feigned horror, but they all knew that it was very very stimulating... Except for one person obviously?!!

Susie thought she could avoid detention by erasing her name in the log. But Mrs. Jones remembered every student’s offenses. Susie’s name was quickly written back in, this time for a week of after school hard spankings.

What must it be like to whip an enormous fat arse just as hard as you like? and listen to ear splitting screams ?? and what must it be like to be on the receiving end and realising that no matter how much you scream and beg the whip just keeps falling and hurting oh so much!!

I know what you arc thinking why is a beautiful girl like me in this position ?' I wish I knew why myself, but all I know that sevral months ago I let Mr Smith, he has the whip, give me a playful spanking at the Xmas party... it made me feel so good!! So we met up again... and I got an even harder spanking., and then it just seemed to escalate so fast...
.. yes, I was embarrassed at my first bare bottom spanking ... but it made me feel even hornier than ever! .. and it just got worse or should I say better..
.. Mr Smith has made this whipping post and the way I am shackled is wonderful.. I try and thrust my bottom up and at him as much as I can as he is always saying what a beatiful big fat arse I have..and the whip he is using tonight!! Oh MY SOD ..is it painful or what!! It's so heavy and really raises huge welts and even breaks the skin.. I know he loves doing this as much as I do... just look at that cock ! (grin).. of course having someone to watch is also extremely arousing!

Pull the rope really tight boy! That way we'll have her fat arse fully presented !
Yes Miss Rodwell !!
Please Richard, don't do it any tighter... my poor bottom is already tight and feels enormous!!
Richard and Sue were pupils in Miss Rodwell's private school.. nothing like this happens in schools today!

When I joined Miss Canewell's School for adolescent girls as the Geography teacher, I was overjoyed when I found out that the Headmistress was a spanking fan..
That's me ! The one with enormous fat arse., secured to her spanking post which is installed in her attic..
Last week I got 24 strokes, but this time it will be 36 of the best... and it is being filmed by the head girl Lucinda Baines..
.. Lucinda has also expressed a desire to give me a couple of dozen strokes.. I agreed on the condition taht I watch her get three dozen from Miss Canewell.
These rainy afternoons just fly by!!

Miss Frump, the headmistress, was a strict disciplinarian... even the young teachers were subjected to harsh punishments... what made it really bad was that the punishment room was next to classroom 12... and she would often leave the door open for that extra humiliation for the victim.. Here we see Susie, the french teacher having her large plump buttocks spanked purple.. OH THE SHAME!!

I loved this drawing..... I would so like to be that girl.... although I would want to be caned on the bare...
I can imagine the cold wood on my warm breasts... and all those eyes looking at my big fat bare bottom...
As for the sting of the cane... MMMM!!! I can only imagine that for now !! But I have read that women can orgasm when being punished like this and boy do I like my orgasms !! So yes, this pic really excited me ...