Classic spanking pictures
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The baring of the bottom is a classic spanking's crossing of the Rubicon. As a parent, you don't want to deprive that step of its corrective potency by giving it scant attention.
The pulling down of underpants draws a critical distinction between personal autonomy, acquired through good behaviour, and the surrendering of that autonomy as a consequence of misbehaviour.

Provided that spanking doesn't become a knee-jerk response to run-of-the-mill infractions that are part and parcel of children growing up, the baring of the bottom is an indispensable trigger mechanism for the child's realization that the wrong behavioural choice was made and that a significant price must now be paid as a result.

After numerous problems at home and at school, Jessica was sent away to stay with her uncle.
Mom and dad did not believe in spankings, but Uncle Philip knew exactly what was needed to bring the troublesome teen under control.

Jaycee looked at the thick belt in quiet horror. Tessa's father obviously did not spank in private, as evidenced by her friend's stifled sobs and humiliating exposure against the wall.

A trip to the headmaster's study always led to a sore bottom... sometimes it was just a spanking on the spanking chair... but the headmaster knew just how to get a naughty bottom well presented for a good thrashing...
"..right over girl!! palms flat on the carpet!!... now stick that bottom up !!...."

She knew the routine.... Maggie was a persistent offender and regularly got caned by the headmaster.. As a persistent offender the spanking were severe... always on the bare... It had started with six of the best, but that was last year... and now she receives six lots of six of the best.... She is a very red faced and red bottomed girl when she finally leaves the study.....
.. so once again Maggie, BEND OVER, HANDS ON FLOOR !!

I've got a crush on my music teacher.... but it's not just about sex... I keep thinking about how he might punish me for hitting wrong notes on the piano... I think about how I would be naked, and pushing my fat bottom out over the edge of a chair... and how he would give me a stroke of his thin cane for every 'bum' note.. do you get it ? Bum note?!

Like most girls, Zoe thought that spankings would decrease over time. Mom, however, had a different philosophy. The older Zoe got, the more frequently she needed to be reminded that she was still the daughter of a loving mother, and thus subject to all the rules and punishments of childhood.