Tip toes predicament box-tie bondage
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Her bonds were braided, conditioned hemp rope, and it was high end material, Kinbaku/Shibari-grade. And Skye knew all about rope, even if she couldn't afford the good stuff. Most of her collection was of the cotton clothesline variety, and what hemp she did own had been purchased at the local "home improvement" warehouse stores and she'd had to condition it herself.
More details: the ropes were uniformly tight, the pattern elaborate, and were proving to be quite inescapable, despite her best efforts. All the way down Skye's helpless body, every six inches or so, paired strands yoked her shoulders, pinned her upper-arms to her sides, and lashed her legs together, including her big toes. Technique-wise, it was a box-tie combined with a ladder-tie combined with a karada (or diamond-hitch) web.
And oh-by-the-way, multiple vertical ropes traveled from the nexus of the box-tie behind her back and up to a large carabiner clipped through a steel ring set in one of the hefty wooden rafters overhead. The ropes were keeping her semi-suspended, preventing her from collapsing to the floor, but only at a stiff price. A decidedly insidious element of "bondage predicament" was involved.
Skye was standing upright, balanced on the balls of her feet and toes, and with her heels off the floor. And while there was sufficient slack for her to come down off her toes and stand with her feet flat on the floor, if she did so, the crotch-rope incorporated in her bonds would tighten significantly, and a cunningly positioned knot would press against her clitoris with great enthusiasm! Skye had exactly two choices: (1) stand with her heels off the floor and punish her toes, or (2) stand flatfooted and punish her hoo-haw. It was a cruel dilemma, and she knew that eventually muscle cramps and toe-pain would overrule her pussy's reluctance to ride the crotch-rope and that would be that.
As for Skye's gag, it was a top-of-the-line black leather model of the panel variety. The main strap buckled at the nape of her neck and twin rows of tiny secondary buckles tightly pressed the panel against her lower face from ear-to-ear and nose-to-chin, and the panel incorporated a rather unusual mouth-filling plug. It might be described as a large egg of silicon rubber foam combined with a medium density foam top and bottom set of bite-protectors. Once inserted and allowed to expand, it filled Skye's oral cavity to capacity, more-or-less locked her jaws in place, and together with the tightly buckled panel, made for a stunningly effective gag.
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