A tale of two incredibly cruel punishments - bondage photos
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Joanna is left in the barn dangling naked from one leg like an obscene piece of meat, with honey smeared on her nipples, clitoris, and inside of her asshole. She writhes and twists and bounces in a futile attempt to escape the biting horseflies that are FEASTING on her tormented body, relentlessly biting and chewing on the tender flesh of her most intimate parts as she sobs and screams like a maddened banshee. She is already drooling and blubbering after the first hour. If she miraculously survives the night with her sanity, she will NEVER again cheat on her husband.
Poor Johnny! The shy young man that she had sex with just once to 'teach' him the ways of women, was dangling the same way in the other corner of the barn. The poor boy had been pumped full of Viagra and his cock was sticking out and down , hard as a rock. He was crying and wiggling like crazy as the biting little fiends were already congregated on the underside of his helplessly presented cock.
They seemed especially interested in the super sensitive tip!
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